"De professional van MCRS heeft met veel verve, commercieel gevoel en conform de projectdoelstellingen een prima rol ingenomen in een lastig hypotheektraject. Wist veel voor elkaar te boksen, heeft lef en opereert niet alleen blind op commerciële doelstellingen maar kijkt ook goed naar realistische implementatie termijnen en mogelijke barrières daarbij.
Prima professional dus !"
Directeur Pensioenen ASR
"De professionals from MCRS make quite a difference to organisations due to their keen eye for the customer, their creativeness, and their sense of urgency. They show comfort among people in various positions, which allows them to adapt to new environments easily and reach for their objectives quickly and successfully. Working with MCRS has been an inspiring and enjoyable experience."
Implementatie Manager Binnenlandse zaken
"The professional from MCRS I now know as a very dedicated Manager with a good approach to his own people. He is very relaxed, is good pursuasive power and is capable of building up a strong relation with his team. He does not overpromise, what he fulfills what he has promised."
Client Solutions Director EMC Computer Systems